Tuesday, July 6, 2010


This is something of a rant, and mainly aimed at those locals who are so amazed by whales. Now I love game, and game-watching and I think that animals are incredible to watch and observe in their natural habitats.

But when I think that, I am referring to majestic lions stalking prey and herds of elephants being big and imposing. I am talking about meercats on the side of the road, leopards’ eyes glinting in the headlights, hippos lolling about in the mud to keep cool.

I am not referring to pieces of rock 50 miles out into the ocean.

Drive along the coastal routes of Cape Town and surrounds and you will often come across the sight of cars stopped, binoculars out and people excitingly watching the whales. The difference between whales and sandbanks, or rocks or in fact just a white horse is nearly impossible to spot. So ultimately, they are looking at the view (which I have no problem with, just don’t try to get me excited about the alleged ‘whale’).

Whale season, when the whales are leaping out of the water, mating mid-air and bouncing balls on their noses, well that is entertainment I can get behind. Watching whales on documentaries doing fascinating underwater noises and dives, I can support. Hell, I’ll even listen to a whale noises cd.

As long as I don’t have to observe them in their natural habitat, being rocks, I am ok.

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