Sunday, July 4, 2010

Growing up #1

Yes, I think it’s finally happening. So the next few updates are going to be some small revelations I have made in the last year.

Today = Romance.

I think I know what it means. Finally. It’s not candlelight dinners, and spending lots of money or fancy picnics. Ok, that’s not entirely true. To be fair, I like those a lot. I love candles. And picnics. But the point is, romance finally means something real to me. Because when the boy goes to the shop to buy ingredients for breakfast muffins (blah. Not exciting) he comes home with pork steak and roast vegetables. And when I’m sad or have had a bad day, he knows that, and he just hugs me. Because he actually knows me better than I know myself, and is more realistic when it comes to me. And there are a million other things that he does, just because he loves me.
Granted, he's no romeo and he doesn't recite sonnets and occasionally I think his emotional growth might have been stunted somewhere along the way, but then I realise that his way of loving me is the only way I want to be loved. His warmth, his caring, his understanding all go to the heart of what makes me me. And what makes us us.

All that other crap that we spend our whole lives watching movies about and reading novels about and dreaming about, it’s not real. What is real is that one person you can crawl up to next to, wearing your fat pants and ‘comfy’ clothes, and who still nuzzles sweet nothings in your ear and still thinks you’re beautiful.

I am the luckiest girl alive, and I don’t care who knows it. Thank you, to my boy, for making romance mean something real to me.

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