Friday, July 9, 2010

People will buy anything

People will buy absolutely anything. After traipsing through a mall last night (window shopping, of course. I am still on a student salary), I realised that people will literally give money for just about any crap you deign to put on sale.

Like castles in goldfish bowls. Since when do goldfish want to swim through a castle? It’s like putting an anchor in a rabbit hutch and cooing “oohhhh, he just loves that little thing”. Completely nonsensical. But put it up for sale, and you have a fashion trend. Obviously rabbits need anchors.

How about build-a-bear? Not only do shops charge an unholy amount for the purchase of fluffy toys (certain chains spring to mind), they can now ‘fleece’ you for all you are worth by making you part of the labour itself. They’re saving costs, and you pay more. Brilliant.

My favourite: water in bottles. Unless you are travelling to India (in which case I believe it comes strongly recommended) or have some sort of medical condition (I can’t imagine what, but I’m a lawyer-to-be so it’s important to put disclaimers), it’s completely ridiculous to buy water. They pretty much just bottle tap water in any case. But since the advent of bottled water, there is some sort of germ-craze that set in, as if drinking ordinary water will immediately turn you into a wet gremlin or give you herpes or something. Marketing is amazing.

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