Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Growing Up #2

Right, I think I am sufficiently recovered to re-call the events of Saturday. As part of Growing Up (see previous posts) I am also engaging in making Responsible Choices. Now when I say that word in my head it has a similar ring to Visiting the Dentist, Cutting Grandma’s Corns and Studying for Exams. You know you have to do it, and once you have you feel really proud of yourself, but in general it’s an annoying part of growing up and something you have to do in order to prove you are finally ready to join the Real World.

First of my Responsible Choices is to try and behave more like a lady. Or to be more accurate, try not to act like a giggling idiot whenever out in society. Important here is to give the impression that I have in fact am smart as hell, have got a fairly prestigious degree and will soon be suing the pants off people, rather than that I recently broke out of beauty school and am having a Girl’s Day Out.
Since the Stellenbosch Wine Fest this year appeared to be a) expensive b) unlikely to have us falling over our feet and c) badly attended by our friends, the mature decision was to sit this one out and not go. But then, as luck would have it (or temptation, whichever way you like to look at it) I won free tickets. Which apparently, according to how many competitions I enter, is less luck and more statistics.
I took the best friend along, which is the obvious, but definitely not responsible choice. Needless to say, there were no ladies in our quarter. We did however have a ‘whale’ of a time (ironic expression to use considering my feelings on whales) and made sure that the festival was indeed worth our while. So although I am a fan of this whole growing up and entering the real world, a realisation I also made is that you make more friends and have more fun when you’re not making Responsible Choices, so every now and then I will still be letting my hair down!

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