Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Does the thought of death scare you? Particularly your death, obviously. Death in general is not a particularly terrifying theme, otherwise Shakespeare wouldn’t have been so popular, nor his later mimic, Quentin Tarantino.

Death scares the hell out of me. One moment you’re here, then next, gone.

Religion and faith are a comfort, but you’ve got to admit that the thought has gone through your head; “What if we’re wrong?” Heaven forbid, What if the Jews WERE right?

All this said, I have a morbid fascination with Doomsday science, an unhealthy interest in Armeggedon theories and a growing need to know what happened to the dinosaurs and *gasp* whether it will happen to us.

Then I realised something: my death scares me, but only because I’ll be leaving people behind. If we all go together, I beat my FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) and it no longer worries me.

Self-centred or self-preserving?

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