Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pet Hate

My new pet hate is people who do not understand the use of punctuation marks. I’m not being a stickler for the misuse of a comma, or even a badly placed apostrophe mark. There are enough books on the subject.
I’m talking about people who clearly live a life of hyperboles.

When I am on chat with you, and you use more than one smiley face, you confuse me. I am not that funny. You can’t even seen my ironic turn of eyebrow, nor my sarcastic snarl. And yet you have a smiley. What does it even mean? Are you a grinning idiot who is drooling at his desk while communicating with me? Have you lost all power of speech and feel that :) :) :) is a sufficient replacement for an answer?

Now I am not some dark emoticon under lord, hell bent on their destruction. I myself have even been known to use them (Shock! Horror!) But I am more like a gentle spirit guide who suggests you tone down their use.
The other form is the exclamation mark. Just how excited can you REALLY be after typing the words “Dear Billjeanjane!!!!” That’s four. I honestly just got an e-mail with 4 exclamation marks after that “Dear” part. Facebook status updates are another killer for hyperboles.

“I just ate breakfast!!! So awesome!!! Can’t wait to sit in traffic :) ;) :) !!!! Ha ha!!! :)”

Sorry, what?

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