Monday, June 28, 2010

Human Trafficking

Boy, does that sound like a heavy subject for a Monday morning? But the question is what happened to it? We were scared stupid before the World Cup about the dangers of human trafficking and warned to keep our women and children close lest they be snatched up by traders. (I am not in any way trying to undermine the terror that is trafficking, for the record). I just want to know whether any of it has actually gone on?

Or did Akon’s promise to “keep y’all safe during the World Cup” really pay off?
Akon's promise to fight trafficking

The one theory is that events like this are more important for cataloguing, and that because everyone is filming and photographing, no-one thinks anything amiss. They compile catalogues, and once an order comes through, they’re back to the original place to collect the parcel. (‘They” of course being the traders). Which would mean that it’s probably more dangerous AFTER the World Cup than during it. It’s enough to chill you.

What really made me think about this was watching a movie last night and realising that we live in different times. This movie has many clear shots of two little children swimming through the water, naked. Very clear shots. That would be UNHEARD of in a movie today, and the director would probably be locked up for child porn. Ten years ago we could play on the beach naked (ok, maybe more like 18 since I would have been 13 ten years ago), but the point stands. Now you have to watch children like hawks because a predator lurks behind every wide-angle lens.

No-one can be trusted, and all the traditional ‘safe’ people like scout leaders, teachers and priests are the targets of most suspicion. If it carries on like this, I’m not sure I want children. Who wants to bring an innocent little thing into the kind of world we live in? Even if Akon continues to live a long and healthy life, not even he can prevent our kids from falling prey to all this evil.

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