Tuesday, June 22, 2010


As you may have gathered, I like pretty people as much as the next person. Well, perhaps a little more. But I’m shallow like that. In fact, it warms my heart that there are ugly people out there for all the OTHER ugly people, so that the pretty gene pool doesn’t end up being sullied.

I also enjoy watching pretty couples doing things (note: not pretty athletic couples running with their Alsatians, that sends me into a fit of postal-rage). I like romantic comedies where girl-meets-boy and both are hot and they end up together. But I’m getting a little over the transience of it all.

(You may have noticed that I’m getting a little philosophical about relationships and romance, and well, I am. Perhaps it’s turning 23, but it’s about time for a review.)

I watched two movies last night: One was an adorable movie with a likeable (i.e. normal looking but beautiful) girl with a crappy job, a relatively attractive husband who loves her like crazy and a hobby (cooking – therefore I can relate). Life gets too much, and she has to find a way to keep the hobby to keep her interested. Granted it all spirals into a little unrealistic fantasy where she gets a book contract, but seriously? We all like to dream. It was nice for a change to have a movie about what happens AFTER they hook up.

The next was a movie about an unrealistically gorgeous girl who looks like women have been bitching about her all her life (read: hottest thing out) and an even more gorgeous male lead. Instant attraction, instant lust and despite a few minor setbacks, they end up in bed. Roll credits. Wow. I am so inspired.

What is wrong with our society that ‘I love you enough for tonight’ seems to be enough for everyone? What about tomorrow, or when the dog gets cancer, or when your big gorgeous man gets retrenched and you have to stand by him and his fragile male ego? Or when it’s time to have kids, and there aren’t 5 hours in the morning to do your hair, or he doesn’t have free time to gym and you both start to look a bit haggard? I know I sound depressing, but maybe it’s time our Hollywood heroes start depicting a little bit of reality. Escapism is all very well, but it’s a sick infection and it goes right to the heart of what our society considers the norm.

1 comment:

  1. The last line of your post is sheer brilliance! Well said indeed :)
