Thursday, September 9, 2010

In an effort to prolong my youth, I am rapidly aging myself.

Why am I getting old? This seems entirely unfair and something that was sprung upon me without consent. That’s an unfair term! Universe, you cannot unilaterally dictate conditions in our agreement without my knowledge.

Being the brave intrepid explorer that I am, I decided to climb up Table Mountain on Sunday afternoon. 5 years ago I would have done this without thinking, bounded to the top and been at the bottom with a beer in no time at all. It was hardly that easy. However, after we were finished it was a great experience and I was quite proud of myself.

Until I had to get up on Monday morning. And Tuesday morning. And yesterday. And (for CRYING IN A BUCKET) this morning. That’s 4 days. Of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, or as I like to call it, Damn Old Mortality Sickness). What is up with being stiff for 4 days? The scary thing is that it shows no signs of abating any time in the near future, despite me having stretched every day and gone to gym. I even tried to combat the symptoms with ethanol (in the bad old days it was thought that stiffness was caused by a build-up of lactic acid, which is the animal-cell equivalent of fermentation). Despite knowing that that is now completely discredited as a theory, I thought I would give it a shot. No such luck, just other parts of me are now stiff.

In any event, I am attempting to climb again this weekend so wish me luck!

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