Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Holiday Planning Time!

It’s time to start tanning my white legs and get my body into shape because this summer is Mocambique, baby!

I can’t afford a fancy island holiday, which was evident yesterday when the consultant basically swallowed her laughter when I told her what my budget was for accommodation in the Seychelles. After that she was very patronizing. But why should we go offshore when we have a tropical country on our border (where poverty is so rife they are DESPERATE for tourists to come and spend a little money!)

In the information package I requested I received some interesting local colour. I have summarised the highlights:

• Is supported by The World Bank and most of the biggest economies in the world, maybe because of being the only country in the world that after signed the peace accord did have peace(?)

• MOZAMBIQUE is a very safe country, even if things do happen sometimes. (perhaps it’s just me, but I’d like more specificity than just ‘things’. What manner of things go on that they don’t say it?)

• Don’t leave your car alone in crowded places like markets.(I wouldn’t dream of it – she’s agoraphobic)

• Hospitals are fine and very efficient ; they always use a disposable needle, special when they see a foreigner (and the locals? Take your chances, I guess)

• The fines are hug if you don’t have one. (What an awesome country – here we pay cash, there the traffic officers make your day)

• Bringing too much goods into Mozambique can be a problem, like 2 cases of beer, or 5 different bottles of spirit; they will charge for that, well… besides that they are fine.

I like that as a summation as to border controls that, well…besides that they are fine.

Please don’t think that I am some English-correcting grammar overlord, but appreciate the humour in the sentence construction with me.

December vay-kay, Vodka-and Redbull up in my hand!

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