Sunday, September 19, 2010

I just fell in love all over again…

With Stellenbosch.

Every morning (ok, fine, some mornings) I walk to work under a thick carpet of psychedelic-yellow trees bursting full of spring. I hold my breath for exactly 10 seconds while I walk past the stinky drain next to Nu Bar (and on the right mornings, their dustbins). I neatly skip across to the side of the road without the resident bergie so that I don’t get that welling of guilt when I don’t give him money.
In front of me is usually one or other of the diminishing-waist poppies in a miniskirt and (despite it being the tail-end of winter) a gorgeous I-spent-the-summer-in-Greece tan. Lord love ‘em, they may not be the smartest puppies in the kennel, but they certainly make the scenery better.
I spend the morning in my beautiful old office in a cape-Dutch style building, tapping away at my very own intellectual property. Sporadic bouts of conversation with the colleague help to pass the time, and a short coffee break in the sunny quad keeps me awake. I don’t even really like coffee, but it’s free so it’s for me.
The next thing I know, it’s lunch time. I head off home (with the boy at my side) for some delicious concoction. No, not 2-minute noodles, usually my favourite (health loaf with pepper ham, mozzarella cheese, hot English mustard and rocket).
The afternoon alternates between coffee with friends (up along Church street) and an outing to gym. Yes, I want to go to Europe and the moment someone offers to pay for me, I’m there like a bear. In the meantime, coffee at one of the street cafés, underneath cool oak trees, with a view of the Church, will do me just fine. The other option of gym should sound like punishment, but again I find that in Stellenbosch the seaweed is definitely greener. The walk up die laan with the rich smells of yesterday, today and tomorrow, clivias and jasmine as well as the hoard of sexy toned gymming students makes for a fairly pleasant warm up.
Weekends involve lazy walks around town, or the mountains and an afternoon filled with wine tasting.
Yes, Moksie may occasionally call your mother a p**s and you will start to feel like you’re suffocating after a few weeks of being cut off from the rest of the world. You know what? I’m happy to still be in the Honeymoon phase with this place.

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