Monday, August 30, 2010

The sky might be falling on our heads!

But, logically speaking, it probably isn’t.

Over the past year or so I have been starting to feel a little despondent. Not an easily-locatable (apparently Microsoft agrees that that is in fact a word), deep sense of depression. Rather a kind of settling sense of dejection that I was not, in fact, the proverbial Big Cheese. For someone with my sense of self-importance, this is an alarming realisation.

However, the latest set of news is good. My ship may actually be coming in, albeit one wooden board, one nail and one sail at a time. I have just been offered a short internship at a major law firm. While I thought I had actually made up my mind to pursue the life of an academic, I cannot ignore the lure of a corporate environment, nor deny my desperate itch to want to wear Jenny Button. This unfortunately will involve losing the weight equivalent to a Backstreet Boy, since ol’ JB doesn’t make clothes for anyone over a size 2.

In other good news, I found a way to motivate myself to write. A little ‘Dear Editor’ letter later, and a nice wooden box turned up at my door. Ever a fan of wooden boxes, I was extremely excited. Until I thought a little further and actually opened the box. What greeted me was a Jeroboam (3l bottle, for those of you unfamiliar with the term) of Pinotage. Oh joy! That is far better than anyone’s praise!

Thus this week begins on an unusually upbeat note. All of a sudden I have goals and ambition and such things that are good for motivation.

Who knows, I may even write some…

Book caption: Avoiding Death

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