It’s a trying time of year for me, since everything is a little up in the air. Do I need to move out and find a new flat, or do I stay where I am? I constantly feel like I need to make a change, but at the same time I quite like where I am right now. Do I throw it all up in the air, or do I stay in this infinite loop which has become my life?
Do I work through the night like a rabid squirrel and get on top of my thesis like a rash on a toddler? Or do I work slow and steady like the tortoise and inevitably win the race?
The frustrating thing is that being born a woman (well, I was actually born a baby but there was an unavoidable progression to this point) I have to over think everything. I have even started to have anxiety dreams about me failing at things. Not healthy.
So my mission this week is to stop and pause and find the daisies in the pavement of my life. Instead of looking out at the protracted concrete road to who-knows-where, I’m going to catch my breath and look between the cracks of the paving to find those small delights which keep life fresh and full of purpose.
I wish you would do the same.
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